
Hi there Lovelies!
          	I’d like to ask my ‘read for read’ buddies to just double check that their book is on my reading list - which I read ALOT (really).
          	Thank you guys for following me -and for you ‘Silent Readers’ (lol my book is called Silent Screams, ha get it?......and I’ll walk myself out.) be aware that I’m available for read for reads and please take a look at my novels.
          	Just as a reminder, don’t forget that the White Noise thriller novel is coming out next week! YYYAAAAYYYYY (lololol)
          	Thank you Lovelies for reading this! Stay tuned ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


Thank you ☺️ - I honestly love that you’ve told a story centered on a realistic concept with realistic expectations. It’s so grounded and true, and the real-ness of it all just makes it more heart wrenching to see Xavier struggling. 
            Thank you for writing about domestic violence and abuse in a sensitive and well addressed way. Also, I am really enjoying to story so far! I honestly forgot what it felt like to fall in love, and reading Haley’s POV reminded me again 
            Thank you for your message! I sincerely appreciate it  and I’m happy that I made your day better! You keep doing you, Daisy 


OML! You’re frigging awesome!!! Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting on “This Crappy Life.” I love your comments! 
          I hope you continue to enjoy it. Please feel free to follow me for info on future episodes. 
          I also have another teen/new adult zombie apocalypse romance called “Get Lit” and it’s complete. You might like it as well. ☺️