Hey, I know it's been a while, but this fan art made me think of your POTO fic! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/852376666989430505/
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Hey guys! As a proud Brazilian (not so proud about the way we handled the pandemic, tho) I figured it would be interesting for me to introduce you all to our three AMAZING Christines: Lina Mendes, Giulia Nadruz (my personal favorite) and Daruã Góes, wich participated in our adaptation https://www.instagram.com/p/CP_GA5KjCvz/?utm_medium=copy_link Here↑ is an Instagram link of them singing PONR ( my all time favorite scene) enjoy! Also Clara Verdier, who plays/ played Christine at the World Tour is also Brazilian! https://youtu.be/qdqf333vl34 Unfortunately I could not find any video of her, but there is this ↑ audio wich I love with all my heart. That is it! I guess I just wanna make sure you guys get to know my main references! Also, who are your all time favorite Christine and Phantom? Mine have to be Sierra Bogges and Ramin Karimloo. Call me basic LOL. Keep safe, wear your mask (if you need to) and drink water! Xoxo - Persephone
Hey, I know it's been a while, but this fan art made me think of your POTO fic! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/852376666989430505/
Hey guys! As a proud Brazilian (not so proud about the way we handled the pandemic, tho) I figured it would be interesting for me to introduce you all to our three AMAZING Christines: Lina Mendes, Giulia Nadruz (my personal favorite) and Daruã Góes, wich participated in our adaptation https://www.instagram.com/p/CP_GA5KjCvz/?utm_medium=copy_link Here↑ is an Instagram link of them singing PONR ( my all time favorite scene) enjoy! Also Clara Verdier, who plays/ played Christine at the World Tour is also Brazilian! https://youtu.be/qdqf333vl34 Unfortunately I could not find any video of her, but there is this ↑ audio wich I love with all my heart. That is it! I guess I just wanna make sure you guys get to know my main references! Also, who are your all time favorite Christine and Phantom? Mine have to be Sierra Bogges and Ramin Karimloo. Call me basic LOL. Keep safe, wear your mask (if you need to) and drink water! Xoxo - Persephone
I'm back! I needed to take a break, I was not feeling creative at all! I feel the need to give @potophan1234567 a shout-out, since they are always reading my stuff right when I post it, and interacting a lot. That's it, I will return to post ever 15 days and now things will finally start to occur. You will notice that the way I write and the way I name the chapters will change a bit (not drastically, though). Let's just say this was an prologue and now, since you know the characters, the story will begin (at last) Anyway: Take care, luv y'all! - Persephone Goddess
@ PersephoneGodess Yay! And I can't wait to read your story!! :) How is it going, btw?
@PersephoneGodess Glad you're back! I've been rather absent as well but I can't wait to support more of your writing! YAY!!
I get always so worried when a person who is reading my book takes a bit longer than usual to interact with it. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I consider you guys so much that if it happens I'll be like: "Oh, are they alright? What if they died." No joke! Anyway, stay safe y'all, or I'm going to cry ;-; Do you also feel like this?
@ PersephoneGodess OMG, same! I wonder if my last chapter was a bad one, since it had less interactions than usual.
Aww it’s so sweet that you care about us! But about the question, I only have one story and it’s kind of dead, but I bet I would feel the same way, or I would think “Oh no they don’t like my story anymore! Everyone probably hates it!” So ya
wassup? this is ur reminder that I care :)
@ Lady-Bluefeather Oh, that is nice! America is very cool! It is actually Portuguese, since we have been colonized by people from Portugal, although it is very different from what they speak over there. I learned German at school, normally schools teach Spanish and English, but mine allow us to choose between Spanish and German. Ok, a question, do you travel a lot? If you do, where have you traveled to? And if you don't, what place would you like to know? I know it is random, but I'm curious lol.
here: (,:') (that is my best cookie type-art)
Here's a cookie, hope you're doing ok today. And if not, hey, at least there's this cookie!
@ Lady-Bluefeather Yes! I started to work on it! It will be ready by Saturday if everything goes right!
Wasup? How r u? You doing ok?
@PersephoneGodess I know right? XD I hope to read more of your story as well!
Hey Guys! Happy Easter! And for those who don't celebrate it, Happy Chocolate eating holiday! I will be updating the fic soon, pwease don't forget me!! What are yall hoping to haooen next??
@ Lady-Bluefeather You read my mind! A lot of this things, if not all, will actually happen!! I'm looking forward to start developing the "drama" soon! LOL. ~ Persephone
@PersephoneGodess I hope that we get to see more of how the whole "Ledged of the Phantom" Is worked into the school, the drama club, and really just how the characters interact with the idea of "A Phantom" haunting the production/school. I am also (really, really) hoping that the show that the drama club does, ends up being the shows the Opera Popular cast do in the stage show/movie. So like, they do Don Juan and the one with the "He makes me laugh, hahahaha!" Song? and then Erik sabotages them for some reason? Just one or two (of many XD) things I am looking forward to/hope to see. Sorry to make this so long
Hey I found some fan art on Pinterest that goes with ur fanfic! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/36451078220033251/
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