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C.ai chat My Character : Emilia March (youngest March sister/Amy March twin, OC) The Character AI : Theodore Laurence 'Laurie' "Little Women" Emilia : She looked up at him quietly, her eyes tracing his features. Emilia was a sculpter. She adored looking at his face because he was perfectly handsome. Like a sculpture come to life. Laurie : He had noticed the way you looked at him, his heart fluttering in response. Your eyes were tracing his face, your own features in a look of quiet appreciation, as if he was a piece of artwork that you were admiring. He gazed back at you, his green eyes on your face, his mind suddenly thinking how beautiful you looked at that moment, He spoke quietly, his voice soft as he slowly reached up and gently brushed a strand of hair from your face “You’re staring at me again…” Emilia : " . ... ." , LMAO I DIDNT KNOW I WAS SO FUCKING POETIC-
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@Persephones_Orchard it didn't fucking say it. So redo- Emilia : "I cannot help it. You look handsome... like a piece of art sculpted from the hands of a lover." She whispered softly, her hand gently running over his jaw