
Yo it's been a hecking long time since I published anything...looks like it's time to continue with some stories that have been brewing 


GOOD NEWS: THERE IS A CHAPTER ON THE WAY, PINKIE SWEAR. And, I'll even give you a hint: Kerrian and Alec are brought together to eat dinner with the Valtentine fam. You're welcome~ (lol jk actually I should be saying thanks for being patient!) :3


In case you didn't hear or chose to ignore the email, I FINALLY UPDATED PINK IS SO NOT MY COLOR YAY! #party #letsgo AND, I'm almost to 1k reads, so if you guys could help me reach my goal....well it would mean a lot. SO PLEASE, tell people about this story. TELL UR DOG, FRIENDS, TREES, COUSINS, NEIGHBORS, ECT. ANYONE AT ALL. Pls. Thx~ :3