“ I think I’ll pass— just gotta make sure that no socks are in the area when I fall asleep.” Peter assures; not really wanting to go to ANY form of doctor or scientist.
“ I can honestly say— probably not. That sock had something growing on it I swear.” Peter responded half comically ; but he partly wasn’t kidding. He had now idea where that sock had been
“ Give me a universe where everything is just mattresses .. the walls the floor— wait that sounds like a padded cell.
Never mind; sleep is overrated anyways”
“ well considering I don’t know what your Peter Parker looks like but — still probably not... try different universe not different timeline.” Peter responded
“ you know there is no creating matter— just transferring— so if all of a sudden new matter comes into the universe breaking that said law of physics — lets just say the universe is trying to correct itself.” Peter answered “ and I’m fine kid— it’s not the first time so I’m used to it.”
Peter frowned. “Not that I’m aware of.” He looked at the man and raised an eyebrow as he watched him stand up. “Are you sure you’re good? That looked pretty brutal. Are your atoms just trying to get back to your dimension or something?”
“ Yeah— my atoms just aren’t all that jazzed to be in the wrong dimension.” Peter answered; taking another moment to collect himself befoRe fully standing up in his own. “ Hey kid; any word of a super-collider— or anything that rips holes through dimensions? “
“ okay at first it was the mismatching shoes— and now no shoes at all— why would anyone steal a pair of mismatching footwear? Guess it’s barefoot from now on in new you’re streets— gonna get tetanus. Hurraaaayyyyy”
Peter scowled ; especially when cuffs were put on him . That’s when his body started to glitch ; which hurt far more than the taser could ever. But; Peter didn’t complain since his atoms warped enough where the cuffs were no longer around his wrists. Peter took a moment to realize but then he bolted; this time taking the escaPe very seriously. “ not today, you crazy chick!”
The red head leaned over him before rolling him into his front putting his hands in cuffs “I told you that you better come with me I wasn’t kidding asshole” she said