
Hey y’all it’s been a while since I’ve posted a message on here but I was just notified that Wattpad has been deleting stories that haven’t been updated in a while. However the period of time for a story to reach this criteria is unknown and a solution, at least for now, is to have any stories marked as complete. So I have down so just to be safe, so if any of you were confused as to why my stories were marked as complete, now you know why.


Dude you there?


Yep I’m still here. Like I said before that idea sounds interesting but I’m already to busy with my other three stories. Thank you for suggesting it to me, but with how long it already takes me to update my other stories, I can’t in good conscience take on another one that I know I won’t put in much effort. But if you really want a story like that then I highly suggest you to try out writing and see how it goes. Who knows maybe it’ll come out amazing 


I enjoyed the chapter for unstoppable also another question what story are you planning to update 


Aight homie take your time


Yooo thank you for enjoying my work. And looking at how it’s going, so far it looks like I’ll be updating my Wildcard story next