
I’m about halfway through chapter 4 of Frisson and I’m going to be starting the next—and hopefully last—round of editing for the Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go chapters on Monday. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to get as much writing done as I’d like since I have started up my next class which won’t end til March and it’s requiring a whole lot more of my time than I anticipated.  Hopefully I’ll be able to edit at least a little everyday and chip away at these two projects so that the Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go chapters can be ideally published before summer. Wish me luck and a miraculous boost to my time management skills.


I’m about halfway through chapter 4 of Frisson and I’m going to be starting the next—and hopefully last—round of editing for the Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go chapters on Monday. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to get as much writing done as I’d like since I have started up my next class which won’t end til March and it’s requiring a whole lot more of my time than I anticipated.  Hopefully I’ll be able to edit at least a little everyday and chip away at these two projects so that the Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go chapters can be ideally published before summer. Wish me luck and a miraculous boost to my time management skills.


Chapter 4 of Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go! has been edited! This round of editing is finished! Like I said before I’m going to do at least one more round of editing to make sure everyone’s in character and that there’s some more OG Teen Titans elements. 


Chapter 3 of Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go! has been edited! I only have 1 more chapter to go and then I’m done with this round of editing. I am definitely going to do another round for these 4 chapters, focusing on making sure all the OG Titans are in character according to the show, Hypno and Robin’s relationship is nice and flirty, and to try and add some elements from the show into this movie.


Chapter 2 of Frisson has gone through it’s first round of editing! Only 10 more chapters to go.  I think I’ve figured out a good chapter length with this book—approx. 3,000 words—because I do feel like I’m able to make a lot more progress editing than I used to. Or maybe my editing stamina is just better. 
          I’m gonna try and work on Frisson Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then spend Tuesday and Thursday editing Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go! I may or may not stick with this schedule, but I’m at least going to try it out so that both things are being actively worked on. 


@KirbyIsGodHun I’m so glad to hear it!




My class is finished and I’m almost done editing chapter 2 of Frisson! I only have about 3 weeks before my next class starts up so place your bets on how much I’m gonna be able to get through of Frisson and Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go! (hopefully a decent chunk of both).


Listening to your own work through text-to-speech is so humbling.
          Anyways, I’m still alive and I’m almost done with the Teen Titans vs Teen Titans Go! chapter 3. I only have a few more weeks of my current class and then I’ll have a month to work on this and Frisson before starting up my next class in January. 


Chapter two for the Teen Titans vs. Teen Titans Go! movie has gone through it’s first round of editing! It has also showed me just how long it’s been since I’ve worked on anything Teen Titans. I forgot how to write for Robin, so that was a bit of a hurdle. I’ll definitely have to go through and do a round of editing on these four chapters just to be sure Robin is as in-character as I can get him.