
So sorry I haven't been updating recently! School just ended for me, and now I have summer school which is mentally draining (consumer economics tends to do that to people). Hopefully I will be able to update once I get some creative juices flowing. I'll try to update The Quistan as soon as I can. Thanks!


So sorry I haven't been updating recently! School just ended for me, and now I have summer school which is mentally draining (consumer economics tends to do that to people). Hopefully I will be able to update once I get some creative juices flowing. I'll try to update The Quistan as soon as I can. Thanks!


OptimisticFangirl it didn't show in my notifications but on your message board it did and thanks so much for that!!!


@RagingTribute  You are so welcome! I enjoy when people actually communicate with me, and your stories really enticed me when I read the preview section. Can't wait to start reading! Any suggestions on what to read first?


Happy New Year! As promised, I just published some more chapters of The Hunger Games: Foxface. I actually have finished it, and the few chapters are very short... Just to add some intensity. :) 
          Thanks for reading, and enjoy the new year!


Hey all!
          Hope your holidays have been wonderful!
          I'm currently having slight writers block for my Foxface story, but hopefully it will be gone soon, and I can update it! (It's currently in a disgusting first draft, that is no where near publishable)
          Thanks for all the support!


thanks for your support as always gave you the follow yes I know I have great messages and I'm still growing but support from people like you truly mean alot to me.


@OptimisticFangirl that's the girl to get noticed and published but besides all of that the goal is to get my art out to change the world and thank you for the follow and the support truly humbled.


@ASamuel23 Sure thing! You have gotten a lot of followers in such a short time, so great job! I'm sure you will succeed as a writer, and will go far in your career!