this message may be offensive
Hey Amelia!
You probably think that this is one of those annoying old scam emails, but not this time!
Apple just released a new device, called iSac! It's a wonderful contraption designed to help old ladies fuck! And you won a free one! It isn't even released to the public yet!
<MrKemp.exe has stopped working. Reboot?>
<Yes> <No>
<Selected 'Yes'. Rebooting...>
Mysterious Voice: yoyoyo it's joseph steyn here! mr kemp isnt working at the moment, so you'll have me until he's finished banging ol' Stuart- I mean until his servers are back up. What would you like to talk about?
You: Oh hey Joe! Give me my options!
<Dildos> <Sacs>
<Selected 'Sacs'. Loading information...>
Joe: You wanna talk about sacs, eh? Good think I know a lotta bout that kinda stuff! Care to fondle my pecs whilst I inform you about sacs?
Me: Hmm...
<Yes> <No>
<Selected 'Yes'.>
Joe: Great! Let me just...
Me: nice *begins to fondle*
Joe: Wow, that feels great! You sure are good at this!
<insert sac facts>
You: Wow! You sure know a lot about testes!
Joe: Hell yeah. Anyway. Let me express my weirdness
Joe: Mr Kemp is getting ready to cause retrograde erections in me! Let the sacs PHIL to the BRIM with semen, and watch it spill out when it gets too much. Watch the fluffy perineums fuck this kid!
You: what