
Okay everyone, sorry for the inactivity, I just deleted my Gray x Reader fanfic bc Lord all mighty that thing was cringe worthy. So I'm going to start writing another Gray x Reader fanfic for you guys. I'm also going to try to be more active since I'm on summer break now. Here soon I'm going to probably do more x Reader fanfics too, so if you guys have any requests, please feel free to tell me alright? Thanks for reading this long announcement and again I apologise for being so inactive.
          	~Love Alissa


Okay everyone, sorry for the inactivity, I just deleted my Gray x Reader fanfic bc Lord all mighty that thing was cringe worthy. So I'm going to start writing another Gray x Reader fanfic for you guys. I'm also going to try to be more active since I'm on summer break now. Here soon I'm going to probably do more x Reader fanfics too, so if you guys have any requests, please feel free to tell me alright? Thanks for reading this long announcement and again I apologise for being so inactive.
          ~Love Alissa


So I have been watching Voltron and I ship Klance like I ship it more than any ship I have ever shipped. And It comes out in October, and as some of you may know, My birthday is in October, October 5th to be exact, and i have to wait till the 13th of October for season four to come out. Yayyyy! *Note sarcasm*


Hi I'm Alice nice to meet you


@Eri_The_Cutie of course but if you need anything feel free to ask :D


Nope im good thanks for the offer


@Eri_The_Cutie is there anything you need? A request perhaps?


Okay so i hate it when ppl always say they like someone bc they are cute, i just got into a fight with one of my ex friends who said she likes this boy more than me and my two other best friends, we were this boy's best friends and it was obvious too, when he literally tells you everything, tells you who he actually hates, and this bitch says she likes him better and just bc she was able to sit by him on the bus and play cards with him? Wtf, i mean it was obvious this boy he was the last person we have been searching for of our now group of thre cause this boy moved, all these bitches are like, "Yeah whatever you three we were obviously closer he likes us more blah blah blah blah" yet we were his first friends, and all these girls are like "Well i like him bc he is cute" and yet us three can make up an entire reason as to why we like him...