
Just finished making a few changes to Karma's Mercy, so if I could find out what people think, that'd be great!


I've been having trouble with posting the first chapter, so I didn't see your comment! Lol so if you wanted to post it again or something that'd be cool. Or not. It's okay. Hope you enjoy lol! :D


...........I'm not sure...


whoa this was a while ago, was I talking about Shadows?


I saw that!  I got like 5 emails telling me that chapter 1 was posted!


It's funny how you don't realize just how much Doctor Who stuff is out there until you actually watch the show.  Which are your favorite Companions and Doctors?  I've only seen the new series (too lazy to start on the old one yet), but my favorites are probably Rose and River, (I don't care if she counts as on "official" Companion or not) and yes I'm a fan of both of them.  I don't get what all the River or Rose hate is about, they were both incredibly important to the Doctor and kept him from going Time Lord Victorious (for the most part) which was more terrifying than practically anything else in the show.  
          Sorry, rambling....anyways, I really loved Nine, Ten, and Eleven so picking a favorite Doctor is hard.  I would have said Ten (I mean, this is David Tennant we're talking about *swoon*) instantly a little bit ago, but recently, I haven't been so sure.  Eleven is a pretty awesome Doctor and he's hilarious to watch.  And we only got Nine for one season so I don't really know him as well as Ten or Eleven.  I love that big goofy grin of his though, it made me smile every time I saw it.  Every time I wear or see a black leather jacket it always makes me think of him.  If we had him for a few more seasons, I have a feeling he would be loved as much as Ten or Eleven (except for those who watched Doctor Who only because Ten was drop dead gorgeous (which, to be fair, he was *swoon*)).  Wow!  Rambling again!  I suppose that's what happens when I stay up passe my bedtime by several hours!
          I'm a big fan of your Death series by the way, it's pretty incredible! (and a constant reminder that I should really be working on my book (does it count as self advertising if you don't say anything about your book or beg people to read it?) instead of reading or rewatch Doctor Who episodes (which are your favorite episodes?))
          Sorry, bit of a question/ramble overload there! XD  I'm in a really great mood right now so I can't really help it!