
Hello Phantaysha here. I came to apologize for being late with my updates again. I promise that this book will be completed before the year is over. I know my readers noticed that if I start a book within one year it will be completed and never go over to the other year, so have faith in me while I do my best. See you soon.


Hello Phantaysha here. I came to apologize for being late with my updates again. I promise that this book will be completed before the year is over. I know my readers noticed that if I start a book within one year it will be completed and never go over to the other year, so have faith in me while I do my best. See you soon.







@Phantaysha Entirely by me meant I came up with everything and did not get the idea off any other work like fanfics



Hello everyone Phantaysha here. I have some news. My new occupation of being a tour guide (trainee) at the moments means my schedule for updates will be random. Battle between races is the final book of the fantasy within khr series.
          Meaning that this book will have less but longer chapters that will bring the story to an end. I hope in the next few months I can dedicate myself to both work and my budding career of a novelist.
          Thank you all for your support please stay for the end


@Phantaysha good luck on new job and l hope you still find the time to do what you enjoy. Stay safe. 


@Crazy-Blue05 And my little secret is that I love being a novelist than my actual job, but my new job is fun.
            Chapter 4 will be updated later today.
            Stay safe too 