
Allow me to formally apologize. I’ve had a very long writer’s block. Though I will say I have not given up on story writing, it’s just this story was not on my priority list. A new chapter is in the works of course but I do not know when I will be able to publish it. In recognition of your long wait beforehand however, I shall make The Flower of Death Blossom’s my current priority. 


@Phantomiron hey take your time just glad to see it come back.


Allow me to formally apologize. I’ve had a very long writer’s block. Though I will say I have not given up on story writing, it’s just this story was not on my priority list. A new chapter is in the works of course but I do not know when I will be able to publish it. In recognition of your long wait beforehand however, I shall make The Flower of Death Blossom’s my current priority. 


@Phantomiron hey take your time just glad to see it come back.


Just curious but ever thought about doing a mercy x reader book?


Greetings 1stHDST, I have actually but I’m not sure how well that would go. I have been a more than slightly behind on the Reaper story and I would hate to disappoint some readers if I post “too” slow on either that one and/or potentially on a new story involving Mercy. 
            I am definitely not opposed to the idea though, I think a MercyxReader would be a fun interesting story to write.


I hope you all can forgive me for my announcement back in April, it was a belated April Fool’s joke. But alas, this is one is real. Thank you for your patience yet again. 
          The next chapter to our beloved book is out and I sincerely hope you enjoy! I’ll try to have the next one up soon. But no promises! Until next time…


I apologize for my absence, all. I am glad to announce though that I am back. And this time for a hopefully much longer time. With my return, I have provided the next chapter in the story The Flower of Death Blossoms. I hope you all enjoy and I shall get to work on the next ones. Thank you all for your patience and viewership. 
          Until Next Time: To be continued…