
*posting this very very very nervously* 
          	do you people believe in second chances/redemption? 
          	(asking for a new short story I've been writing) 
          	p.s happy belated pride month and sorry for being MIA 


@Pheonix_1995 ofcourse whatever you write you pour heart to every story even after fate book ... Your book the Voiceless lover is something which provides a lot to light to people and each and every book the Mavis one .... And all your readers are loyal to you because they connect with the story and with you also ... We live those stories when we read it ..


@A_Kind_Devil it's for a short story silly they're not going through anything


Hello author hope you are doing good ! I just wanted to know when aurora and all of your other beautiful works will be published again. Those books made me the happiest reading them in 11th grade… now I’m a second year in college and still remember the beautiful stories u would write! Keep doing the amazing things you’re doing and hope life is treating u with respect and kindness ! 
          With love and best wishes 
          A ❤️


Hello Phoenix,
          I just wanted to tell you that I have read fate and forever countless times over the years. You are a phenomenal writer and I’m not sure why you took down the full books but I’m sure you had your reasons. I hope you continue to write, and that you allow your followers to one day get another chance to reread our favorite books and hear more about valentine and Jamie. Have a wonderful year and I am glad to see the watermelons in your bio ✊. 


@blaksjshahzb that was watermelon emojis lol


It is morning in my place when you update,and it has been my sole motivation for waking up the last couple weeks!
          Thank you for helping me attend classes regularly,for it is your stories I revisit when (inevitably) bored.
          Thank you Author!
          Much love from India