
          	P.S.: To the rumor that New Life Secret won't continue...Maybe. lol. But seriously I've been going through stuff and school so no time. I promise to keep going and start back up soon.


Ok...I suck soooo much now. Srry everyone but sadly I cant really work on A New Life Secret. So if you startgetting new things about my work...Imma start a few new books I'll try and do so please support me in my work and help spread my other ones.


Hellooo everyone i am sooo deadly sorry i havent updated in awhile but writers block is bad for me. So I decided to work on a new story while in the proccess of tryint to work on A New Life Secret. I'll be spending a little while more till I send out the next chapter of NLS . So thank you all who have been waiting on me. I promise to work hard on my new story as well as New Life Secret .