@MyChemicalPhans Hi Archie! Good luck on your exams! And I completely support transgender-ness. They are people just like us, I hate it when people make big deals over being homosexual and stuff. Also you are really cool and you may not know it but you know me. No I'm not a stalker, I'm coris friend, the one with Kellin Quinn's hair and sleeping with sirens merch. We can chat over bands and stuff if you want. Also you are invited to our phanfictions stories! Cori and I are making phanfictions in the PhilHowell15 account. We wanted to know if you want to join us and write phanfictions. You can read what we have so far and I'll know you read it if you reply in one of the chapters, "Sneme". Thanks and bye *rides into the dark emo abyss*