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hi dude! pheacker’s actually a pretty common ship. it gets a lot of hate, but there are a lot of people that ship them (myself included).
one of the main reasons i ship the two is the undeniable guilt george eacker had after philip’s death. he didn’t want to kill him. after philip’s death, george eacker turned to drinking—he consumed so much he caught tuberculosis (alcohol drinkers are more likely to get tuberculosis) and died a few years after.
the two didn’t have any real need to hate each other either, during the alleged ‘shit-talking’ of alexander hamilton, george never actually said anything about hamilton—he was talking about the party alexander belonged to. philip blew things out of proportions.
and finally, during the duel, (the musical’s inaccurate but still has george shoot) the people finished counting to ten and the two were stock still for a minute. then philip suddenly raised his gun to the sky, eacker panicked, thinking philip was about to shoot him, and shot him first.
so yeah, there’s more reasons, but i’m just seeing your message now and i just wanted to reply as soon as possible. if you didn’t know that people who tried to kill each other can be shipped, you should check out hamburr and leerens.