Never meet a more sorry person. You lie your Ass off constantly. The city police have classified you Thomasvilles the biggest newsence they ever had.Not a single officer doesn't Know you or the games you play or lies you spread. How does it feel Phillip DeNise . Hope your luck runs out soon.
Your really a sorry piece of work!!!! Your looking for a place to stay but don't want to be man enough to have anything in your own name. You want all the responsibility on someone else. You ran my power bill sky high Also skipped out on a weeks rent. Your not even smart enough to dial 91 during an emergency. Hope you do go to Vegas and lose the 6'000 plus dollars you had on yo when you left here. You would not even make a good pimple on .a mans ass
I have been 'locked-out' of my IATSE Local 41 page @FaceBook; one reason is that I do not have a cell phone; there are others, and you'd like them better.