
Merry Christmas, everybody! 


Hey, you don't know me, but I know that you do group rps. I was thinking of making my own and have a while idea for it, but I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in it before making it. It would be based in New York City and be  about one of the most popular gossip magazines. Each already made oc will be in charge of another section of the magazine(fashion, makeup, dating etc) and then people can make their own ocs, who can either work as something else in the magazine business or can just be fellow New Yorkers (or something creative. The more people, the more fun). 
          Would this be something you would join?


Hello there... first time using the announcement thingy... Anyway, I stumped myself up while writing, so I decided to take advantage of the Wattpad community.
          Relax, Wattpad, it is all for a book. 
          I need around five v*ctims for my current project, Headless, who will be, well, k*lled, by the featured psych*path. 
          So, I am asking you if you liked to build a small character for that - please just remember that Headless is set in the Victorian Era. 
          If yes, please fill out: 
          Name (keep it Victorian) 
          Age (any age) 
          Appearance (remember that if the character is non-white/non-British you will have to adjust the profession) 
          Profession (Doctor, PI, Policeman and Prostitute are unavailable) 
          Little background/family (just basics) 
          Cause of De*th (Dec*pitation, dr*wning and sever*tion of the carotid artery (c*t throat) are unavailable) 
          Applications are taken by PM, thank you in advance - any input is appreciated, have fun.


You don't have to have read a single page of the book, it's literally just filling out that tiny form and feeding my brain some fresh input within