Hello there... first time using the announcement thingy... Anyway, I stumped myself up while writing, so I decided to take advantage of the Wattpad community.
Relax, Wattpad, it is all for a book.
I need around five v*ctims for my current project, Headless, who will be, well, k*lled, by the featured psych*path.
So, I am asking you if you liked to build a small character for that - please just remember that Headless is set in the Victorian Era.
If yes, please fill out:
Name (keep it Victorian)
Age (any age)
Appearance (remember that if the character is non-white/non-British you will have to adjust the profession)
Profession (Doctor, PI, Policeman and Prostitute are unavailable)
Little background/family (just basics)
Cause of De*th (Dec*pitation, dr*wning and sever*tion of the carotid artery (c*t throat) are unavailable)
Applications are taken by PM, thank you in advance - any input is appreciated, have fun.