Part two of Battle Royale finally posted after nearly three weeks of procrastinating lmao I still have my love for writing toa, I’m just bad with keeping at a schedule lol
Charlie: *turns to their guardian form* hehehehe >:3
Travis: *turns to his Kaliacian form* -_-
Charlie: *sees Travis is taller and angry blushing* motherFUCKER-
Part two of Battle Royale finally posted after nearly three weeks of procrastinating lmao I still have my love for writing toa, I’m just bad with keeping at a schedule lol
Unfortunately I haven’t been into rps a lot recently which is why I haven’t been replying to them a lot but I’ll be happy to try and get back into them
It’s been a whole year since I left and now it’s 2024 so happy late new yearssss but I’ve started to update and fix my wattpad and tumblr now bc I started it when I was like much younger and obviously I’m older so I’m like updating everything lmao but I’ve found my hype for TOA again and I’ve started writing againnnn