Here's a bit of an idea. If I ever do another Vtuber x MHA idea, I am going to do it in a bit of a different way. Essentially, it will be a class known as Class 1S, which the S stands for Supernatural. In this AU, the Vtubers' will be Humans while having strange but unique Quirks. The idea is simple, people here can give me a list of 20 Vtubers being students for Class 1S, while 1 of them can be their Homeroom Teacher. So a total of 21 Vtubers being in this story, while I can give unique background stories for each of them based originally on their lore. So do inform me on who you all think could fit in Class 1S and who could fit as the Homeroom Teacher for it as well, a total of 21 Vtubers.