
If any of you are interested I will be posting the new book on Wednesday night so keep an eye out!


Hey Phoenix! Not to be rude or anything but when are you gonna start posting on your YT? 


@Phoenix_Skies Oh sorry to hear that. I hope you get better


@lpsinsanity123 to be perfectly honest with you I'm not sure. My schedule has been set back a lot due to a health problem I'm going through. It's only now that I can catch up with Wattpad and all my other social media accounts. But don't worry about being or sounding rude. It's not your fault. 


Disregard what I said the other day about the new book being a BBS X Reader. It's gonna be a Misfits X Reader book now.
          None of y'all can change my mind.
          I'm the best at making decisions CHANGE MY MIND.
          Okay I'm done fooling around. Time to write my heart out!


New phone who dis?
          Hey everyone it's Phoenix! So recently I have got more and more free time. And a lot of creativity has come my way. So I want to tell you guys the future of my account.
          First thing I will point out is that I will be discontinuing Misunderstood. As much as I loved that book I really don't have any ideas left for it.
          Second thing is a lot of things have happened to me as I hit highschool. So if I act like more of bitch then usual. Just know that one of awkward friendships with someone pissed me off.
          Third of all I will be starting a new book (pretty obvious from the get go I know). I want to say the book will be up soon but I can't promise anything yet.
          This is going to be another BBS X READER type book again.
          And some time in the future I want to do a book about MISFITS X READER or SMII7Y/KRYOZ X READER.
          So yeah if any of you want those stories and not the BBS one please tell me now.
          Much love,


this message may be offensive
Hey y'all. Yes I know she's not dead. Yeah I'm not dead just really fucking busy. I just started highschool. And I got myself involved in drama, choir, soccer, and few other things. But so far so good. I wish I could find the time to balance out my sleep schedule tho. Anyways I hope to be posting sometime just not anytime soon.


@Phoenix_Skies Np! If you need anyone to talk to, to relive stress you can talk to me. :)


Its ok, we understand (well I do) I also have started highschool and I'm also very busy with soccer, drama and other clubs that I'm in, as well homework, take your time. We understand :)


Welp if anyone is reading this I have come here to vent. I haven't seen anything good on Wattpad in a while. Not sure if my buddy Boo is ok. Haven't hear from her. Star not sure if she's become a shooting star yet. Me I'm basically dying from boredom. If anyone of my other online friends are reading this please. Post a chapter on your fanfics. I need something to read!!!


Hey um this might seem stupid but um what do you do when you're tagged? I've never been tagged before... 


Nvm I know what to do now! Thx!! ^w^


What if you don't know the questions? (I feel really dumb rn. Halp XD) 