
Wheeeee! I've been taking too many online courses and forgot this existed lmao (I'm so sorry).  I have finally decided to update again, but I will not be posting another chapter to Dollhouse until I edit it fully so it fits my current style, and I honestly just want it to meet the expectations I have for my writing now.  I'm going to try and get the next chapter posted by at least tomorrow, but I am for sure editing it first.


Wheeeee! I've been taking too many online courses and forgot this existed lmao (I'm so sorry).  I have finally decided to update again, but I will not be posting another chapter to Dollhouse until I edit it fully so it fits my current style, and I honestly just want it to meet the expectations I have for my writing now.  I'm going to try and get the next chapter posted by at least tomorrow, but I am for sure editing it first.


Regarding the current situation that is taking place, there should be a lot more writing expected to be posted as I am self-isolating and practicing sanitary measures as normal, so I legit have nothing else left to do. Even though you might really want to go out and do something, the best bet is to stay indoors right now until medical persons and the government inform you otherwise, it sucks, being inside for this long, as I am a relatively extroverted person over introverted, but I am staying in because going out when the government is advising those not on total quarantine to stay indoors and only go out for work and if you are in desperate need of groceries will be the cause of those of us not on quarantine to be quarantined because people are not practicing self-isolation on their own. 
          Enjoy the new chapters that will hopefully come soon after this announcement, I am far from a medical professional, but I have been reading up using reliable sources that are trustworthy, and self-isolation is, unfortunately, the best bet in the situation we are in, maybe some of you enjoy it, although I feel you extroverts out there, but hey, self-isolation is for the greater good right now. We are all going to get through this together, and I'm sure everything will go pretty much back to normal soon, we've just gotta tough it out for a little! Stay positive, safe, and healthy! (don't forget spooky!)
          Ears0fblo0d (Phoenixdacolt)


Hey, I've gotten a few requests to open up Haunted and Hunted again, and I've decided that it's been too long and it's time to start working on it again, I haven't been working on it because the only time I had ever worked on it was at my old school, and I've had trouble even looking at the chapters because I miss the people at my old school and it's hard knowing that I won't get to see them too often, but it's time I put that to rest and reopen the book, so I am proud to announce that I am officially opening up Haunted and Hunted again, the next chapter will be up as soon as I can get it up there, enjoy.


OK I know I planned to publish the twelfth chapter to Dollhouse this break but I got sick and I lost my laptop and screw writing on my phone because um, no. If you saw my phone you'd know, but I am currently working on a new chapter even though writers block is something I am suffering from as of right now, I am very excited to release this chapter, and you'll probably cry, sorry, but, that's what authors do, rip their readers hearts out. Stay Spooky!


Schools out! But on July 10th, I will be going on a trip for about a week I think, so all updates will be paused until I return, I am working my arse off to try and get you the update of Dollhouse, but there is a new story that will be published hopefully tonight, until then, stay spooky.


School's almost out, once it is, everything will be a lot better, seeing as I will have more time to write and publish, Dollhouse will be updated more frequently, but it will be over at the 27th chapter while I decide whether to give it a sequel, until then, please be patient with my updating schedule.


So pretty much all of my stories are on hold for now and I have only like, four open, and the reason is I would like to focus more on my fantasy and horror writing, and I would also like to focus more on the stories that were all my original ideas and none of the characters are celebrities or in books/movies, so if you are wondering, that's why almost all my stories are on hold, and I am hoping to open the imagines again soon. Enjoy and stay spooky!