Regarding the current situation that is taking place, there should be a lot more writing expected to be posted as I am self-isolating and practicing sanitary measures as normal, so I legit have nothing else left to do. Even though you might really want to go out and do something, the best bet is to stay indoors right now until medical persons and the government inform you otherwise, it sucks, being inside for this long, as I am a relatively extroverted person over introverted, but I am staying in because going out when the government is advising those not on total quarantine to stay indoors and only go out for work and if you are in desperate need of groceries will be the cause of those of us not on quarantine to be quarantined because people are not practicing self-isolation on their own.
Enjoy the new chapters that will hopefully come soon after this announcement, I am far from a medical professional, but I have been reading up using reliable sources that are trustworthy, and self-isolation is, unfortunately, the best bet in the situation we are in, maybe some of you enjoy it, although I feel you extroverts out there, but hey, self-isolation is for the greater good right now. We are all going to get through this together, and I'm sure everything will go pretty much back to normal soon, we've just gotta tough it out for a little! Stay positive, safe, and healthy! (don't forget spooky!)
Ears0fblo0d (Phoenixdacolt)