So, for the grand total of 33 people who follow me...I am quitting Wattpad. Wattpad has just not been what I wanted for posting my writing and art, and I've just not been able to find the motivation to keep going. Additionally, I've been way more interested in other projects than Wattpad (such as a possible YouTube channel!) that have absorbed way more of my attention as time has gone on. I'm not disappearing from the Internet, but I am disappearing from Wattpad So. Happy trails, everyone. Maybe I'll see you again, wherever you go.

Thank you for the support, everyone. When I create the YouTube channel, I will post it here for anyone interested.

@Phyre_Phlyght I think it's an excellent decision. WP has been dead for a while. =] Plus, it's become super toxic. Good luck with anything and everything in the future! ❄️