
Sorry to those who have been reading my Owl House one-shot series- My devices were temporarily ✨broken✨ for a month. I will be continuing to write, and new chapters will be arriving soon!


Thank you so much for reading and voting on my story! =D I hope you like it! =3


@PickleJuiceChild oh, and thank you so much for the follow! ^.^


            It makes sense XD 
            I'm glad you're enjoying it =)


Np! Thank you for thanking me......? Does that make sense? -_- Whatever. So far, it’s pretty good!


Hello person who decided to follow me. If you watch YouTube constantly, like me, you’ve probably heard of what FTC is doing. http://chng.it/5S72fPFTyC This here is a link to a petition website. It’s to help save the YouTubers who will be affected by what FTC is doing. I can’t really explain this well, but if you have an email and are willing to help YouTubers who post on YouTube for a living, please click the link and sign the petition. And if you are willing, share it. Thank you.