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...So it has been...a year..ish..and um...not much has changed besides the fact that I can't make books for shit..I'm still into the whole PxK thing it's just...I don't... know on what I should be..doing with this app cus as you can clearly tell...I haven't been doing shit with it..so it has just been..collecting..dust?...idk...heh..I still remember my first smut related thing with the PxK community..ice cream smut..hehehe..ahh...some things never change....I hope E is doing well...since I can't tell now...cus..of reasons..mainly cus he doesn't actually know me irl so his parents are pretty much making him block the people he hasn't actually met... which I honestly think is fuckin stupid...did I listen...no..no I didn't..I still have him friended on messenger....wait why am I talking about this? This has NOTHING to do with my absence and this was FUCKIN 9 MONTHS AGO!? Why the hell am I talking about this? Ugh...whatever..but anyways..what was i getting at? Oh. Right.......actually no I don't..I don't remember shit.....and I'm not reading this whole thing to figure out..so....uh..thank you for sticking with me thru the...uh..past year...and uh..I hope we will do more books together..probably not..but who the hell knows? This is Pico...or Keith...or...whatever account I'm using...signing off..until we meet again...(can't wait for this to never get noticed..)