
          	So I've posted a prologue to a new story and I'd be really grateful if you checked it out!
          	I could really do with some reads and comments :)
          	Thank you, Caysie. x


          I'm so sorry for the late reply, haven't had much time to come on here properly in a long while.
          YES WJEC is what I was looking for! :P
          Unfortunately yes, I've had three -.- Don't think I did brilliantly on the language one but the other two I think were okay. The literature ones. Which I was surprised at because poems aren't really my strong point!
          Have you finished all your exams or are you one of the late finishers like myself? :/


@PicturesOfTrickery No doctor who in this stupid country and my internet died AGAIN because my brother is a complete and utter twit, so I'm yet to catch up with the newest season :/
          It's that good? Oh god, I want to cry, I can't believe I missed it x(
          In the inbox you said you'd like to skype, so just message me here whenever you're free and i'll log on via phone alright?
          Have fun and by no means tag me in this discussion please. Because spoilers, that's why :P


          I love you, you know?
          I just finished watching MMFD and I'm in love.
          I have NEVER come across something so relatable to, and I just
          Thank you.
          so very, very, very, very much.
          Everything about it is perfect, lord.
          The music, the plot, everything she thinks, I have never ever loved anything as much as I do that show.
          And so bloody relatable!
          Thanks so much for telling me about it, Oh lord, I can't wait for the second series.
          THANK YOU ILY SO MUCH Ughhhhh