Just got out of civics class.
We had a debate about freedom of speech.
I am absolutely disgusted at how many of my classmates said it was ok to ban books because they are “filthy and unfit for kids to read”.
My very liberal, and gay best friend even agreed, and most of the books we were discussing were about LGBTQ+ characters.
Book banning should never be ok.
Knowledge is power.
If we ban books, we take away valuable knowledge we can learn and grow from. Books are also important to education. Letting your kids not read books is one thing.
Banning books is another.
If parents don’t want kids to read books, then don’t let them!
Parents should not be parenting other peoples kids and taking away other peoples choices. Besides, books are handpicked by librarians. Most librarians have the common sense not to buy inappropriate books and put them in a kids library.
And kids aren’t idiots. Most kids are smart enough not to read inappropriate books.
I just can’t believe my classmates think it’s ok. Most of them are avid book readers and fanfic lovers.
What kind of world are we living in that kids can’t even read books anymore?