Hey there. It's literally been about a year since I last updated anything onto this site, which I deleted literally days after I published it. I didn't get any negative comments or hate, I don't have enough followers to get hate. The real reason I uploaded so many stories to promptly delete them was because I was incredibly self-concious about my work, especially didn't it wasn't very good. So, even though this probably isn't a very good idea. I am officially making a pledge. From this point forward, once I finish a story, or even start a story that I believe has potential, I will post it to Wattpad. These stories won't be very good, they'll be quite cheesy, with half baked morals that I tried to pursue but gave up on. However, I realize something now. You can't get better if you don't try. And locking all my stories away in "Unpublished" won't help me get any better. So, if you come across one of my stories, or this message, I would like to pass on a message, one that I have broken several times and will break again, but will try to maintain just on moral grounds. If you see somebody's story, realize it took guts to publish it, and keep it. Yes, maybe it isn't very well written, maybe your fingers are twitching with the uncontrollable desire to correct that one "your" used incorrectly, but try to understand, we're all trying. Whether you are trying to as good as Fitzgerald or Lin Manuel Miranda, or just want to publish an entire story and get one person to view it, you're trying, and you don't deserve hate. Sorry for this long rant probably filled with numerous grammatical errors. The next story shall be a cheesy fanfiction, (because we don't have plenty of those) (sh&t, I broke my own rule already). Thanks for reading.