this message may be offensive
(i posted this in a book but ill post this on here too because i want people to know, apologies) Okay! So few things! This isn't a promise that im coming back. Im 21 as of this year and i feel the need to get the word and apologies to anyone that would still read this. When i joined Wattpad i was 11. I reread a shit ton of my content i made and realized that I'm a little shit that should have NEVER gone on the Internet. Things definitely got worse when i went into Middle school and i acted out, acting suicidal and threatening to end my own life and shit and that was definitely NOT okay and i apologize to anyone and everyone i forced that apon. I was going through a lot in real life and my parents weren't exactly the best people so i didn't get anyone to vent to besides therapists i would constantly argue with, but that is still no excuse for what i did and have been doing. I think when i hit highschool is when i got humbled in which i came on and off on here and eventually stopped coming on here entirely. I am okay and have been for the past 6 years, granted I'm still depressed and have mental issues but i know to keep those things to myself and to not ever shove that stuff on people. I was 11 when i was first put into therapy and told i had schizophrenia and depression and the company i was with shouldn't have ever done that in the way they did but i still would like to apologize to everyone for my behavior and unnecessary suicidal outbursts. I would like to either change this account entirely or make a new one So Hi! My name is Homley or as you know me as Pika! Im 21 and a trans man! I like to draw and roleplay and talk about anything from video games to shows or movies. Thank you all, especially to those who had tried their best to support me. Thank you :)

@Pikachu7411wolf I understand and I respect you. If you want to RP, my Instagram name is Chanbien645 and my Tumblr is Chanbien just in case.