
GUESS WHO'S BACK???? -Potato


Hey guyz. (little promo)Some of you may know that I started writing a FanFic. I know.... I would just like to say that I have also started reading one, and all I can say is-AMAZING!! This FanFic is my life, and I really want to see more @youtubeftmorann 
          I am thinking on making a YouTube channel, but Idk what to name it, or what to make a video about. You guys can message me your suggestions. I'll take all :) Thanks <3


@PikachuMeow do it and call it  something to meow about


Ello my lovelies..OKAY so I know I haven't been working very hard on any of my books. IM SORREH! but I have lost a little motivation, and I need help getting it back...PLEASE if you like any of my books and want them to be updated, added to, or even finished. Then you can: Message meh, Vote on the chapter or story you want updated, also comment what you want updated, fixed, or added to. Also, for a special extra I am letting one of my followers CHOOSE a story that I will write AND finish. Just message me with your story info and I will choose which story(s) to create for my babies (>.<) Thanks! I LOVE YOUZ!!