
It’s finally Pokémon Day. The franchise is now 29 years old. The Presents starts in 7 minutes. What do you think we’ll see? I definitely expect to see Z-A news here, but the surprise announcement if there is one could either be Pokemon Classics, Black and White remakes, or something completely different 


It’s finally Pokémon Day. The franchise is now 29 years old. The Presents starts in 7 minutes. What do you think we’ll see? I definitely expect to see Z-A news here, but the surprise announcement if there is one could either be Pokemon Classics, Black and White remakes, or something completely different 


My Pokémon Presents 2025 predictions are:
          Classic Pokemon game ports (I know this one’s a rumor but screw it I’m believing this one. At least I hope it’s real since I missed the games on the 3DS virtual console. 
          Black and White remakes  (Also been rumored)
          Pokemon Legends Z-A trailer (this one’s actually expected
          A lot of mobile game updates -_- (Need I say more?) 
          Shiny Koraidon And Shiny Miraidon (It’s been two years now) 
          Shiny Xerneas and Yveltal released in 2016. About 2-3 years after the games released. Shiny Zacian and  Zamazenta released in 2021. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet released in 2022. It’s now the beginning of 2025. It’s time and I’m starting to think it’ll happen rather it’s codes (more likely) or a raid event like Zeraoara, it’s bound to happen 


Update on the phone thing: I have gotten my new one ordered and it will be here in a couple days. I ended up getting the 16 instead of my dad’s iPhone 15 pro since he wants to wait to get the 16 Pro later. I will see if I can get an update done before then on the tablet so my phone doesn’t crash while I’m writing again. 


I might be getting a new phone next week so don’t expect updates until later this month after that. Technically I’m getting my dad’s 15 Pro while he gets a 16 Pro since I don’t really want to be the one getting the brand new version since I don’t feel right doing that, but still getting a newish phone from my 13 Pro that has an aging battery. Trying to get updates done but then having Wattpad crash, freeze or my phone dies gets annoying when it causes me to lose my progress so I’m waiting until after I get my phone upgraded. 


Were notifications broken because I’m starting to get things that were a few days ago or hours ago now 


@Pikagirl1527 Hopefully they work normally soon!


@mandylaren23 I’m getting notifications now, they are just really slow though 


@Pikagirl1527 Mine don't show up at all as it's been like that for months!


I will try to update Luigi’s Mansion 2: Dark Moon this weekend. Monday at the latest. I will attempt to update it at least once a month. 
          And if anyone wants a follow that I haven’t followed yet. Feel free to ask me since I can do that now. I need to follow people who are more active 


@GreenBeanGrookey I’m hoping to actually find people who are more active to follow now. I don’t really care about how many followers I actually have, just finding more active people to interact with. I also follow people who have stories I will actually read. I still wish I was able to update more than once or twice a month but these days, I don’t have as much time as I did before


Yeah. I’ve been following people myself. I’m sure some are either skeptical of a 1k account following them, but I’m just trying to make more friends. 
            I was thinking of promoting people who lost a lot of followers like I did. It doesn’t matter to me if I lost the followers because I managed to get to 1k again, but I know some people lost a lot of followers and are under 1k still. 
            I’m not sure if I’m following “active” people, but I am currently following those who I know share interests/ are following me. I was at over 550 following on this account and then it ended up being 400 something, so yeah. I think I still have plenty of following capacity and friend making capacity. 
            Unsure if I will update too, but I can tell you I’ve been writing myself as well. Just not the things I say I need to. 


What is going on with Wattpad? It looks like I’m losing followers and people I’m following. Is Wattpad getting rid of inactive accounts. Also it keeps logging me out. What’s going on? 


@Pikagirl1527 yeah, happened to me too, also check out my new book.


@PhantomTheDragoness Seems like not many people are active on here that I once knew back when I was newer to this app and still using my first account before I made this one 


@Pikagirl1527 Yeah. Most websites do it anyway. Just this is a big cull right now to have been noticed. I’m now down past 1k, which is really sad, as now a lot of accounts that used to read my books are now gone, and obviously haven’t been on for a long time.


Hold up, wait a minute… Nintendo just straight up shadow dropped the Switch 2 reveal trailer and they are actually going with that name. I just woke up an hour after they revealed it and I’m still going crazy. It was heavily leaked on Twitter but it’s still interesting. We will get a large direct focused on it  on April 2nd. 


@Pikagirl1527 my bank account isn't ready


@Pikagirl1527 the trailer I meant not the movie XD that's great I'll take a look


After just having the Year of Shadow. The Pokémon company dubs this year as the year of Eevee. Might be for all the Eevee specific merch but I hope we see a new Eeveelution in Z-A. Rather it’s ghost or Flying. Also… I definitely need to go back to working on Super Faith lol. There’s a lot of Eevees in that 


I can see them doing just past forms because Paradox forms are only in scarlet and violet. Meanwhile, the Legends games have put out this idea of Pokemon who used to have different types and I can see that working with the Eeveelutions to explain why some are more physical rather than special. 


@GreenBeanGrookey Not just past forms but future forms. I think have 4 past and 4 future forms would even them out 


@GreenBeanGrookey the only way I can see adding a type working would be if they made Paradox forms for them. 
            I would prefer Umbreon to be Dark/Poison and a future type if that was the case since it was going to be a Poison type
            Jolteon as an Electric/Fighting future type
            Flareon would work as a Fire and Ground ancient type
             Vaporeon would be a Water/Ghost future type since it can turn invisible in the water. 
            Espeon would be a Psychic/flying ancient type
            Leafeon as a Grass/Dragon ancient type 
            Glaceon as a Ice/Rock future type
            Sylveon as a Fairy/Steel ancient type
            Only Bug wouldn’t be used