Hello the padded watt, I'm finally back from hiatus, you know the hiatus I stupidly forgot to tell you guys about because I'm stupid.....
Anyway Shattered Star is gonna be back now since I have a lot of stuff planned for it in future.
Guys I think I might be omniromantic?
Basically I was doing research on it (I was planning on giving that orientation to one of my characters) and I saw some connections so eh I don't know
@trust_my_sarcasm thanks, I'm really glad that I have met so many nice people on the internet that definitely overshadow the bad ones. I'm happy that people like my art
Huge announcement, my Instagram has now been made public so if you have one please go follow me there I'm much more active on there than on here.
It's still @/Pilgrimdark and I use it for art and the occasional cat pictures
@trust_my_sarcasm yeah that makes sense, it's just that I've recently just started drawing Tom Hirsch again and I kinda forgot how attractive he was heh.