
Hi guys 


Heyy bestie  u going good? 


this message may be offensive
Its been fucking YEARS. And am still here. I still come back to this. I still reread it even tho it's incomplete. And am still waiting for an update.
          If u don't plan to continue writing this, at least pls give us a closure. That we can be for sure that this is an end 


It's been years and I still think about your story from time to time! I'm an adult now with a proper adult job and responsibilities, but with Liam passing recently I just had to get back to some of my favorite fanfics and this one is just as good as I remembered! In fact, out of the hundreds - probably thousands of fanfics I've read over the years - this is my absolute favorite one!! Please, I'm begging you, I need to know how this one ends! I'm willing to compensate you for finishing it, I wish I was kidding lol. But please, come back to this one, it's too special of a story to not be finished properly! xx