Hi, I just wanted to ask if you are going to be continuing the story. I really loved it

i really love your story,,, when i started reading your story it was the time i actually lost my grandpa which was last month, and your story help me get through it by releasing all my emotions through crying,,, thank you for writing this masterpiece, i hope you have a nice day <‘33

Hi, new reader here,I just want to inform you that you made me cry and that I'll be waiting for you to update.

Well hoping for the update of the story it was a few months now since a new update was released. Hope that it come sooner.

@Marshall_Cross I've been waiting for this story to continue it was a good story which had been halt.

@Marshall_Cross Don't worry, I've been working on it. Sorry for the long break lol^^ But I promise I'm on it. Think of it as waiting for season two of Prayer of a Sinner lol.

Hi! New reader here. Well, I'm mostly a crazy fujoshi but I like your take on WMMAP so much. It's really refreshing to read and had a bit of heart healing after what Claude did on the manhwa. Hehe. You FF is so goo and I hope you won't drop this.

@cire1493 Don't worry about it. I enjoy looking at the comments people tell me! Your words weren't lacking at all. I perfectly understand what you meant and yous said in such a nice way. I love this Manhwa too lol. Honestly I love their moments and I enjoy writing them. Thank you for being so understanding, yes Lucathy moments are on the way! Have a good night

@cire1493 hello. Thank you for replying. I'm sorry my words are a bit lacking. I'm literally typing them 3 in the morning. Hehe. Thats how addicted I am on this Manhwa. It's alright, take your time. I'm just so glad I found this fanfic here. I'm a sucker on good Claude, Athy moment. I hope Lucas appear more later on.

@cire1493 First off thank you such for the lovely message! I'm so glad you enjoy reading my story and this was so nice of you to say. Don't worry, I'm not dropping this story just think of as waiting for a new season of WMMAP. I'll be updating soon I just needed a bit of a break to chill. I'm so tired^^ forgive me but don't worry I'll be back soon.

I love you! Will you marry me? I love your ff so much!

hii well im not pressuring you but i just wanna ask you when will u be considering to continue your ff? :))

@fleurqv well I DO feel PrEsSuReD. jk soon maybe a little difficult at the moment.

I hate Jennette so much, please just kill her already BTW thanks for updating

@FereliCooper Sorry for responding so late. You're welcome. Glad you enjoy my story. I'll update soon!

I really like your fanfic!!! I can't wait for Claude to realize Athy and Lucas's feelings for each other!!