
So apparently my old discontinued warrior cats fanfic breached the community guidelines - I don’t have any backups tho . I am not going to try and appeal this decision (because it was discontinued anyway), but I wanted to let you all know


So apparently my old discontinued warrior cats fanfic breached the community guidelines - I don’t have any backups tho . I am not going to try and appeal this decision (because it was discontinued anyway), but I wanted to let you all know


I don't know if you've read one of my books but I saw you add one to your list and I am so grateful, I literally thank you so much, I think it's trash my self but I really appreciate it, I love you so much, this is not because I want attention I just want you to see how much it means to me❤️


✌ty so much


@_D-r-a-r-r-y_  I have read the book. You shouldn't call your writing trash like that, it's awesome.


Hi everyone,
          Did you know that Snails are more likely to kill us than lions, sharks and wolves combined!


@Eclipse_The_Cat The freshwater snails, which live in rivers and lakes, burrow into the human stomach to lay their eggs, which cause the disease schistosomiasis.