Hello Everyone! So! Update time! I am now over on Neobook and my account is = Tula Nighty = and also if you want have a discord server you can join don't be afraid to ask me. Welcome Home chat's are in there along with other fandom topic's (Mainly have it named around WH but plan on changing chat names. It is slowly growing and not a lotta activity but will get there! :D) Or dm me on discord [Or here]. My user is = NightshadeSunrise/_wix_nightshade_rix_ = [On discord] I will continue things on here when I can along with other content. But been all over the place sadly. I'm on tic tok and my user isss = Tula Nighty/drizzydreemurr = But that's it for now! (The account name's will be in my bio.)