
ok last week i came out to my mom, today i told my dad, they are both fine with it. five minutes ago this happened. 
          	Dad: does your sister know?
          	Me: about what?
          	Dad: what we where just talking about.
          	Me: dinner?
          	Dad: no the other thing.
          	Me being nonbinary?
          	Dad: yeah
          	Me: yeah
          	like what tf


ok last week i came out to my mom, today i told my dad, they are both fine with it. five minutes ago this happened. 
          Dad: does your sister know?
          Me: about what?
          Dad: what we where just talking about.
          Me: dinner?
          Dad: no the other thing.
          Me being nonbinary?
          Dad: yeah
          Me: yeah
          like what tf


i think non binary people will get this. so i was at the store getting  food for dinner and someone came up to me and asked my gender and i told them 
          "my gender is human" 
          them: "ok but what were you born as?" 
          me: human"
          them: "no your gender is what is in your pants!"
          My gender is now guitar pick.


i have been thinking about my gender and sexuality a lot lately. i have now come to a conclusion that i am non-binary and gay. i am coming out to wattpad first. do any of you have advice or stories of your coming out to friends and family you are willing to share?
          most my sisters friends are in the LGBTQ+ spectrum so i am not worried about her but i come from a Mexican family(for whom don't know most Mexicans are catholic, my most is not catholic anymore but i don't know her beliefs about LGBTQ  yet) my mom will probably be okay with it but i don't know about my dad whom i am most scared of telling. again if anyone has any advice it would be a great help.


@Pineapple0502 Hey, sorry I am so late but what if you tried testing it a little? Have them watch an LGBT+ movie/ series and see how they react. Mention an LGBT+ couple in the media, or show them a video. If they react positively, start dropping more hints. For example, I started saying how hot female actresses (I'm she/her) were, as well as male actors. If that is taken well, then it should be safe to say it. 
            For being NB, it's probably best to go the same route. Introduce them to NB actors/ characters and gage how they react. 
            Hope everything goes well, you are entirely valid however they react, and you are loved!!


So I had a doctors appointment today. The doctor asked, are you dating anyone? I said no because I'm not. My mom is in the room at the same time because me and my sister are getting pur appointment at the same time. My mom said to my sister you better not be sexualy active with your boyfriend. She turns to ne and says, you can't get a boyfriend yet. 
          I recently found out I am either lesbian or bi, I'm also trying to find out is I'm genderfluid or not.
          I just give her a look, she couldn't really see my face and I'm thankful for that because I have not told anyone. 
          I'm now scared any advice?


@Midnight_Veemo thank you for the advice this really helped.


situations like these always terrify me. the best thing you can do is play along and avoid as much awkwardness as you can. keep discovering yourself as you grow. when you feel its the right time to come out to whoever, you'll know.
            but right now while you're in this stage, figure out who your allies are and aren't. it may take a long time to fully discover who you really are, but you've got this! 


Ok I'm going to be a freshman next year. In the school surrounding my school they all call them something different, newbies, dorks, fresh bait. For my school it is freshies. A teacher came up with this thinking it was cool. Now upperclassmen use it to make fun of freshman. This got me wondering, what do other school not in my area call freshman?


every school has it different. in my school we use different terms like freshies, freshman, freshmeat etc. just think of it as a teasing nickname that siblings use. it really grows on you after a bit.


@Pineapple0502 we just call them freshman- there's no point in bullying someone just because they're in highschool for the first time