Happy New Year, everyone!

Merry Christmas, everyone!! Hope you all have a wonderful day!! Praise that the Lord sent His Son down as a baby to save us from our sins

Okay, this is really random (sorry for bugging you), BUT OMG I'VE NEVER MET ANYONE WITH THE SAME NAME AS ME BEFORE!!!!

I'm second-gen, but, yeah, my parents are both Irish, so they named me Aisling.... 'cause they wanted to "preserve my heritage" and then they went and named my brother Nathan...

@AuteureAtHeart Ahhh.. That's fair. Are you from Ireland originally? And you're all good. There's absolutely no need to apologize. I'm fairly Irish myself but I don't know anyone with that name.

This is really random but does anyone wanna fangirl over Titanic or have good fic recommendations for it? I watched it this weekend and now....

OMG! Hey!! I missed you sm!! Hope your doing well

@PineapplesAndPapes I’m doing great! Sadly pms are gone but almost everyone has moved to Discord

Hey all! If you didn't read my previous thing (which is totally fine if you didn't because clicking on a book means more of a commitment to actually reading something which we in college land are...well ya know. Sort of over.), I have finished my undergraduate degree for college! I was accepted into grad school at the same institution (Yay!). That being said, yes I am back but it may take awhile for me to feel up to writing. It was a long and hard semester and I am fairly tired from it. Thank you to all of you for sticking around and just being yourselves. You all are wonderful! Happy summer and congrats to my fellow grads (college, high school...whatever)

@PineapplesAndPapes Thanks. Got a university degree and could go higher (Masters and PhD) but want to do my own things first. Good luck with your studies.

@PineapplesAndPapes That's great to hear. Things will get busy for you now, in terms of the academic space. I'm happy to not have to worry about school of any kind (I graduated years ago now).

Happy New Year, friends! Hope 2024 is a blessed and peaceful year for all.

A slightly belated Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! Also, so sorry for the radio silence. My semester was INCREDIBLY hectic and I really didn't have a chance to read or write a ton on here. I am on Christmas Break though and I hopefully will post one thing VERY soon and then the next thing maybe in a few days? We'll see.

As of today, I've officially held an account on Wattpad for five years. It doesn't feel like it was that long ago and at the same time, it feels like I've been on here forever. Thanks for the fun memories and for being such great people. Looking forward to making many memories to come on here. You guys are great!