
          	Expecially readers Boyfriend Upahan ,
          	to all the readers who have read the story. I've changed some scenes in this story. and the storyline has changed a bit. if you want to understand the storyline, please read it from the beginning.. 
          	Also, as u know. The title have changed to The Golden Eyes. 
          	That's all from me,
          	Lav, iyan


          Expecially readers Boyfriend Upahan ,
          to all the readers who have read the story. I've changed some scenes in this story. and the storyline has changed a bit. if you want to understand the storyline, please read it from the beginning.. 
          Also, as u know. The title have changed to The Golden Eyes. 
          That's all from me,
          Lav, iyan


Hye! Assalamualaikum wbt! Just nk cakap, saye tak sempat nak update story hiks') sorry sangat ii. Serious cakap, yang saya busy iler. Ingatkan nak update sebelum saye masuk asrama, tapi tak sempat pulak dah. So sorry')) . Insha Allah, saye balik rumah nanti saye double update. Insha Allah tau°°.. saye tak menyatakan sebarang perjanjian. Kalau tak, saye update satu chapter je. Kalau tak jugak, saye x update langsung. HAHAHAHAHA jkjk. 
          Okay dah itu aje, this year saye ade big exam yang nak kena hadap. Doakan saye n kawan kawan satu batch dengan saye dapat result flying colours. Thank you!


@PineapplesChicks  Goodluck akak!!  Tahun ni pun saya ada big exam gakk