

Hello, I'm Grace Green, the founder of The Holy Sisters United Program. As you may have seen last Sunday, I introduced a new section to the program, designed to help our readers and members get to know us better. I shared my own story first, and now it's your turn! As a valued member of our community, we'd love to feature your chapter next. To make it happen, I'll be conducting a brief interview with you, asking the same questions I answered in my own chapter. I'm excited to learn more about you and share your story with our community! When you're ready, please message me and we'll begin the interview.


Hi sister, sorry it's been a while. How are you? I just found out that Wattpad deleted the messaging feature. I didn't figure out how to transfer the audio messages I talked about to email, but if I re-start an online podcast I will let you know :)


Great! :-)


@DanielMGGray Thank you! I've copied the email so you can delete it anytime :)


God bless you and your family too!!


Happy Father's Day!
          May we thank God and pray for our fathers and the love we are blessed with; and to those who don't have a loving human father, may we always remember that all of God's children eternally have our Father in Heaven who loves us abundantly!
          "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!" ~ 1 John 3:1
          Praise Him!


Happy Father’s Day 


"I do believe that God is the God of the gaps.
          You see, the Lord God will come into your life and He will fill all of the holes. 
          Right now you have a hole in inside of your heart that will not be satisfied by all the money, all the fame, all the success; all the dopamine boosts this world can offer you will never fill that God-shaped hole. Only Jesus Christ can fill that.
          There is a gap that you and I have: here is this Holy God, and He is here. And here are you and I and our sin. And our sin has separated us from God. And yet Jesus Christ stands in the Gap. He is the bridge between man and God. He is the mediator, the One who was put on a cross for your sin. He stood there in the Gap: fully God, fully man, dying in your place and mine so that you and I can be forgiven. So that all of our sins can be washed away and we can have a fresh start, and we can be reconciled with God.
          Yes, Jesus Christ is the God of the gaps.
          And then Jesus Christ was put in a tomb in a big gap and He filled that tomb and stayed there for one, two, three days- but on the third day He rose from the dead, and right now if you go into Jerusalem you will see a tomb which we believe is the Guarded Tomb, and that tomb is empty. There's a big gap there because Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.
          My dear friend, you would be very wise to put your trust in the God of the gaps, because He'll come into your life and He'll fill it with hope and the Holy Spirit."
          Love this quote by Pastor Joe Kirby. <3
          The Bible says of Jesus, "He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things." (Ephesians 4:9) "And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." (Ephesians 1:22-23)
          Amen, He fills all things, Almighty and all in all, and there's not a crack or cranny where His Reign does not reach. So yes, our Lord is God even of the gaps. Hallelujah, Praise Him!


@its_lexieyvonne I'm definitely fine with that! And excited to read the devotional! :D Praise God!


@Pinestripe37  would it be okay if I used this quote for my devotional I'm writing? I really love this and I reread it today and hit it me so hard lol (if not that's totally fine, I just wanted to ask beforehand) :)