
Sorry for the long-ish absence people. Something... kinda happened IRL and made me lose my writing mood for a few months. BUT I'm slowly getting back into writing.  Albeit a bit slowly. Like 'semi-baby step' slow. Like half snail, half baby step slow.


My old (Over 10 years or about 10 years) computer got...fried and stupid me hadn't backed up any pictures and all my documents. 
          On the plus side:
          - New Computer is awesome
          - I'm thinking that in a way, it's time for a few story 'reboots' (...of those I have yet to put on here. NOBODY PANCAKE, I'M NOT CHANGING UP ANYTHING IN STORIES I'VE POSTED HERE)


BECAUSE WRITER'S BLOCK OFTEN HITS ME LIKE TRUCK-KUN CLAIMS ISEKAI PROTAGONISTS, SABRINA IS GOING ON HIATUS. BECAUSE WHILE BRAINSTORMING IDEAS FOR SABRINA (AND The Bizzare Adventure of Arthur L) I COME UP WITH OTHER STORIES (Or I get dreams that I then can't stop thinking about that end up as stories (Plus, I had been meaning to post one of them during Halloween. Cos it involves the Spoopy-natural)


could you add another chapter to The Bizarre Adventure of Arthur L.
          it looks interesting but if you can't think of anything then why not think about a different story that you can make.
          All i wanted to say and good luck with your gaming.