Well, where shall I start?

First, The Lord comes before anything/anyone. <33

I am an amazing person, loved by many people. Without me, most would not be here, I am that wonderful.
I am the best MawMaw to two beautiful grandchildren.
I am the best wife to my fantastic, amazing husband.
No matter where I am, I carry happiness, love, and insaneness with me.
I am a little crazy, - a lot, actually - there are times when I can be complicated, but all-in-all, no one could ask for someone better. I am that cool.
Everyone loves me because of the fabulous person I am.
Oh, and my favorite color is pink!! :*

~I love you, MawMaw, you mean the world to me! Without you, I wouldn't be as amazing as I am! Thank you!!

  • At Home, Smiling.
  • JoinedOctober 11, 2014
