
Hey guys!!
          	So I did`nt have work today which is a huge relief and I`ll be home working on the next chapter-which I`m super excited about. Again, sorry it was so much longer than usually. I myself thought it was a lil sloppy and lazy, but I`m starting to get back into the regular swing of things ya know? Just takes time and I definitely need to brush up on some things. With that being said, I`m gunna start on the next one and hopefully will have it up later. As always-enjoy and hope you guys are liking it!<3333


Hey guys!!
          So I did`nt have work today which is a huge relief and I`ll be home working on the next chapter-which I`m super excited about. Again, sorry it was so much longer than usually. I myself thought it was a lil sloppy and lazy, but I`m starting to get back into the regular swing of things ya know? Just takes time and I definitely need to brush up on some things. With that being said, I`m gunna start on the next one and hopefully will have it up later. As always-enjoy and hope you guys are liking it!<3333


Alright everyone! 
          Another chapter is up! Sorry it took so long, and also sorry it ITSELF is kinda long. Worked really hard on it though to try and make it all make sense and exciting. Big things are coming for Nova and I`m excited I made it over this hill in the story. I`ll be working on it more here and there throughout the day and will hopefully have at least one more to put up by the end.
          As always, enjoy and don`t forget to comment and like!<3333


Hey guys!!
          Sorry it`s been so long since I checked in. I`ve been a little busy with work lately, but fresh new ideas have been discovered so I`m working more on the story tonight. I can`t promise for sure I`ll have one up today, but I`m stopping by to let you know I `m definitely working on it. Until then, enjoy!! <3333


Alright guys! So, I`m having a bit of writer`s block at the moment finishing this chapter, but I`ll work through it and will have it up very soon-maybe even later tonight hopefully. I hope you enjoyed the last two I put up last night. My wisdom ordeal has been pushed back so that gives me a little more time to work on things here! As always- stay safe! I hope you guys enjoy the story and feel free to comment and like!<3333


Hey guys!! So I put up two chapters and their ok in my opinion. Probably could`ve been a lil more creative in certain places but I`m just happy I got SOMETHING up cause I know it`a been a while. I`m gunna work on a little bit more, and hopefully I`ll have another chapter to put up by the end of the night. I have to get up early tomorrow though so if I don`t end up doing it tonight I`ll try to finish it tomorrow while I`m on pain meds lollll. REALLY wanna get back into my writing style and make it what I do at least 80% of the time so stay tuned! Enjoy, comment, make sure to like the chapters  if you guys like them and I`m gunna continue working on the tonight!<3333333


Hey everyone! 
          So, I`m jumping on real quick to let you know I`m going to be working on a new couple chapters and I may end Destruction of the Innocent after that and continue a second book (picking up where the last one left off.) I did`nt intend to drag this first one out as long as I did, but I did anyway, and that`s why I`m thinking of starting a new one-because I still have so many ideas for it and I`m excited. But I will try to work on some stuff today for sure because tomorrow I`m getting my wisdom teeth removed and I`m not very excited about THAT. I might be out for a little while but I wanted to give you something to read and look forward to. I`m still not entirely sure about ending this book and starting another, but I`m entertaining the thought. Let me know what you guys think? Feel free to message me about any questions, suggestions, or opinions because I`d love to hear them! Until then, enjoy the story!<33333


Hey everyone!<3
          So my vacation stay here in Cali has ended, and happy to announce I`m finally going back home tomorrow where I can work on my stories fully and peacefully! Looking forward to doing this full time again and getting back in the saddle. Miss being able to just bust out a million ideas like nothing though to be honest. I feel like it`s more than just writers block. Definitely lost my spark for it a while back but I WILL ignite it once again and keep going because I love to do THIS more than anything in the world! Stay tuned, stay safe, and enjoy the story guys!<3333


Hey guys!!
          So I DID end up putting a chapter up yesterday. It was`nt as detailed as I really wanted it to be, but I did my best to correct some things and at least have SOMETHING to put up. I`ll be working on some more today and will hopefully have something else to put up by the end of tonight. Hopefully the ideas will flow as good as I want them to and I`ll have something else later. Thanks for being patient with me and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!<333


Hey guys!! 
          I had`nt realized it had been so long since I last posted or even wrote something on here to let you all know what was going on! I`m currently on a trip in California right now, so I don`t really have alot of free time to check in or write- but I`m eager to get home and start writing again. Have lots of ideas and chapters I`m excited to share with you so I`ll work on that and put them up as soon as possible<333