
Thanks so much for following me and giving me support! Its been a hectic school year for me because I've been traveling to a different place like every weekend. But school will be out in two weeks and I plan to put much more attention on my books, so please just wait until then and I promise the chapters that come won't be a dissapointment. Please look forward to the continuation of my My Hero Academia series! 


*me lol sorry


@AlekatiaMoon haha nah it's fine, I love it when readers actually reach out to them and get to talk! :D


No, thank you for making fan fictions that i really love to read. I understand school can be overwhelming, because i go to quite an overwhelming school that is very concentrated on grades and such. It’s so bad I that two people from my class got expelled this year. Anyways, thank you for telling me that more chapters are coming out soon. Tbh your pretty much the only author i really look forward to. Ill be waiting till you update ur next chapter. Im really excited . Srry, im a pro-fangirl.