Hi!! I was wondering are you still working on the Corpsekunno fanfiction/story, or has it been discontinued. If it hasn't been pls try updating just 1 or 2 chapters because it's rlly rlly rlly amazing and I think loads more others would agree :)

Hi! First off, it means so much that you are interested in my story even after months of inactivity from me. That’s really cool. Regarding continuing that fic, a few days ago I honestly had no plans to. I haven’t watched any Sykkuno or Corpse or OTV content in months, and have really moved on from that hyperfixation. I checked wattpad yesterday for the first time in ages and read through all the comments. People really seemed to enjoy this and that did make me want to continue writing. However, I don’t know for sure if I’ll be able to. I reread the story and I was really proud of how well I managed to create in-character dialogue, especially for Jacksepticeye and Toast. Sadly, I fear that my lack of content consumption from this fandom might impact my ability to properly write in-character dialogue and chapters. I wouldn’t want to return only to give you guys content that isn’t up to par with previous chapters. Furthermore, I don’t know if my motivation/muse for writing will allow me to continue this story now that I’ve lost enthusiasm for the characters. This isn’t a definite no, especially since I got that boost of motivation from reading everyone’s content, but I can’t promise that I will update this story any time soon, if ever. Also, I wanted to mention something. I am not personally offended by this, and I know that you had no malintent by this action, but I think it’s important to tell you that it is bad etiquétele to ask/tell an author to update a story. Authors are people. We have lives, and interests, and writers block. It is disrespectful to an author to demand or content, and it often just leads to the author feeling inadequate or guilty for not living up to the readers’ expectations. Remember, we create this content for free. Authors don’t owe you updates. Again, I’m not upset by your comment, but I do think it’s good to be aware of the culture surrounding fanfiction and proper etiquette. Thanks for commenting :D