
Changed my tumblr to bitchy-peachy


Anyways, I hope y'all doing well despite all these years. Gonna be updating my reading lists cos despite my brain being mushy with meds... I've been reading A LOT in multiple websites. Mostly horror. So don't be surprised at updated reading lists galore.


Hey y'all. Just wanted to inform that I am back to writing again and it's a new fic this time ( ) that will help me get into gear to write for In The Shadows again since I'm rusty asf writing for this fandom again.
          Despite the haters trying to control who talks to me or reads my stuff cos of made up bs to get rid of me to cover up their own asses  I'm still back in a sense, lmao.
          And I'm only partially back cos I'm not even active in this fandom except for writing. I'm more fangirling for other stuff. 
          I'm barely if ever on tumblr tho. I'm on twitter now with awesome peeps. PinnacleChoi is my only public account there while my others are private cos I either post spoilers or talk about the perverted games and stories I find and ppl freak out. 


PS: Theirs is only a what if story within the In The Shadows universe of what could have happened if Hannah wasn't actually related to Shuu and Reiji. It's also a gift fic to one of my old tumblr readers who shipped my OC and wanted a dark redemption tale. It you're not into that stuff, you can always not read it to not waste my time with crying over an OC who's past I can change whenever I want. Just saying that cos some ppl got sensitive. 