@PipPipSheerio Oh! You click on the giant orange "Wattpad" icon at the top of your screen, and that will lead you to the home page, where everything from votes to books being added to libraries will be laid out, in a timeline-like format. (Like newest at the top, older news towards the bottom). Hope this answers your question!
Hey! Thank you so so much for adding my story to your reading list! And thanks for voting (you have no idea how much it annoys me when people are unable to get the concept that it only takes half a second to vote, and that it's super easy. -_-)
Anyways, I hope you continue to be awesome and read my story and vote for it! :)
Hi! This is 1Directionfor3v3r and this is another account that I made to write stories but I'm not very good at it, and I was kinda wondering if you could help me out by giving me some advice. => please, if you could, that would amaZAYN!