
Ok, guys! Great news, I have an idea for a new story that I'm planning on posting on here. But I need quick opinions: 
          	2nd person POV (your) 
          	3rd person POV (his/her) 
          	Mkay. I KNOW I don't have many followers, but if you could tell me, it'd make my life so much easier. 
          	HufflePEACE out ✌


Ok, guys! Great news, I have an idea for a new story that I'm planning on posting on here. But I need quick opinions: 
          2nd person POV (your) 
          3rd person POV (his/her) 
          Mkay. I KNOW I don't have many followers, but if you could tell me, it'd make my life so much easier. 
          HufflePEACE out ✌


Mkay, here's what's going on with my story, and here's why I'm not updatinh or editing like I said I would: 
          Number A: School. Yeah, that thing just started up again and I'm taking on extra classes soon, so bear that in mind. 
          Number B: Dance. Dance has been SO busy, I started Pre Pointé, which is AMAZing and so freaking hard. 
          Number C: Work. Work is a bitch and I put in my two week notice, tommorrow's my last day, though, so don't fret. 
          Number B: Moving. We recently moved, and any time I have left over I have been dedicating to cleaning this new one bedroom.