
Even though I haven't won and probably won't lol I'm still super excited to have taken the first step and submitted my science fiction novel UPGRADE to the Misfit Awards science fiction category. If you've written something you want to enter to the contest, I strongly encourage you too! Don't be shy! https://www.wattpad.com/1206073933-the-misfit-awards-open-rules-for-participants


Hello, there! I was wondering about the updates to UPGRADE because I really enjoyed the story, and I was wondering if you would like to get it published outside of Wattpad. I have never thought I would enjoy a story more than UPGRADE, but you've got it made if you can complete the story itself. I'm really looking forward to reading it on the market if you can.


Hey, there! I hope you're having an amazing time here. I want to talk about a profile that works to get your creativity out to the world. It's called @Project_Athena, and it works to promote books that have yet to be out for the world. If you would like to submit your story into one of their reading lists (I recommend that you send your book into the sci-fi reading list on their profile), please check out this form that you need to sign:
          I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you are in as well!


Hey, there! I haven’t talked to you in a long while, but I am super glad that I have read the newest chapter of UPGRADE, which I have not read in a super-long time. Thank you for writing out UPGRADE for those who are currently reading it.
          I’m sorry I was unable to get in touch with you, but I was on Lent season from February through Easter time. I hope everything went well, and that your other chapters of UPGRADE are ready to roll. One question before I finish up here: Would you consider Upgrade to be a corporate-based dystopian novel or not? It would be really cool if Intellectus were to be a dystopian corporation in itself, you know, with the mind-control and all of that. I look forward to your answer as soon as possible.


Even though I haven't won and probably won't lol I'm still super excited to have taken the first step and submitted my science fiction novel UPGRADE to the Misfit Awards science fiction category. If you've written something you want to enter to the contest, I strongly encourage you too! Don't be shy! https://www.wattpad.com/1206073933-the-misfit-awards-open-rules-for-participants


Hey, there! I was just wondering if you would like to participate your book, Upgrade, into the Science Fiction category for The Misfit Awards by @kek_lee_writes on Wattpad. I would love it if you could help me fill up the remaining three spaces on the Science Fiction category on The Misfit Awards so that the Misfit Awards can close out the Science Fiction category on their award book. And if you do decide to enter Upgrade into the Science Fiction category, I wish you all the best of luck with entering Upgrade into the Misfit Awards!


@PistachioLuver You’re welcome! I appreciate the submission into The Misfit Awards! It really does help out!


@meroceank8921 This is awesome, I hadn't heard about this & appreciate the recommendation! Just did all the requirements and submitted Upgrade :)


You know that feeling when you've been working on a story idea and you finally find the courage to move it out of your brain and onto wattpad? I'm feeling that right now. Please check out my new YA science-fiction story UPGRADE. The #1 gadget company in the world has a position open, but once you are accepted, you may never leave…


Nov. 13 is World Kindness Day! If you like sweet romance, a dorky music loving neighbor, a slightly too honest main character, and an obsession with chocolate and dogs , then please check out Letters from Apartment 143, now available on Amazon. If you're feeling particularly kind, a review would be amazing! 
          Want a sneak peak at the first few chapters? Check it out on my wattpad for FREE.